A Short Bio

Who? … Me?


My name is Evan Merriwether, and simply put… I’m a young man with a passion for art in general. From music, to painting, to dance, I’ve spent a good portion of my life doing them all. Now, as an adult, I’ve made the decision to build a career doing something I love.

I was born in Houston, Texas, but spent the majority of my life growing up in Saudi Arabia as the child of American expats. In the Middle East, I attended an international school up until age 14, after which, I flew back to America to attend boarding school in Middletown, Delaware. It was a small school called St. Andrews, and it was there that I fully immersed myself in learning different artistic disciplines that caught my interest.

After graduating, I came back to Texas and received my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing from Trinity University in San Antonio. I made sure that I kept my artistic skills sharp by taking advanced art classes, and also performing multiple university stage productions. Simply put, I’m a designer and artist with a marketing department in his back pocket! That’s the short version of my story so far… and in a way, that short story is what brought you here in search of my services.

I look forward to doing business with you.

~ Evan M.


Contact Info:

email: MerriwetherDesigns@yahoo.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/evan-merriwether-263a57119/